Comparing lotto odds
This question is most asked by all online lotto players. Understanding the question is the first task in understanding the answer. What is it that you really want to know?
- Which Lottery has the best odds of winning the jackpot?
- Which Lottery has the best odds of winning a prize?
The answer to question number one is very cut and dry and in this article, I will provide you with the answer. Mathematical odds are determined using a theory that takes into consideration: the number of primary balls used, the number of bonus balls used, and the number of machines used in the draw. The odds are then calculated based on the total number of possible winning combinations.

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To put this in a simple concept let’s look at the coin flip for example. If you are to take a normal everyday US penny it has two sides. We have come to know these sides as heads or tails. You see an example of this lottery at work every time two football teams meet. The odds are clearly 1 in 2 that the result will be heads. No matter how many times you make this flip the odds remain the same. If you were able to pick both heads and tails your odds would become 1 in 1 and we like those odds.
Using just this information we can get hard numbers for each International lottery and in doing so I have learned it is the UK Thunderball lottery that has the best odds of winning the jackpot. If we look a bit closer at this situation we will learn the following facts:
- The weekly jackpot prize for the UK Thunderball lottery is £ 500,000 which was the equivalent of just over $ 800,000 USD at the time of writing this article.
- The implied odds based on mathematics are 1 in 8,060,598 for the jackpot prize.
- At the time of writing another International Lottery, the Irish Lottery had a jackpot of £ 3,500,000 or approximately $ 5,662,650 USD
- The posted odds of winning the jackpot for the Irish Lottery are 8,145,060.
Now let’s do the first calculation:
For each possible winning combination in the UK Thunderball Lottery, the value is approximately 10 cents. This is determined by taking the jackpot amount and dividing it by the odds. The same calculation for the Irish Lottery will give you a result of approximately 70 cents. Galu galā, izredzes ir 7 reizes lielākas, ka Īrijas loterijā Jūs vinnēsiet lielu laimestu.
Tālāk mēs varam ņemt vērā biļetes cenu un veikt otru aprēķinu:
Lai izspēlētu katru iespējamo Īrijas loterijas laimestu kombināciju, būtu nepieciešamas 8 145 060 biļetes, katra biļete maksās 7,83 USD. Tikai par 63 775 819,80 USD jūs varat garantēt sev 5 662 650 USD. Apkopojot var secināt, ka 1 ASV dolāra iegāde šajā starptautiskajā loterijā izmaksā 11,26 ASV dolāru, kas ir izdevīgi, salīdzinot ar Apvienotās Karalistes Thunderball loteriju. Veicot tādus pašus aprēķinus, jūs redzēsiet, ka tas pats 1 dolārs jums izmaksās 54,30 ASV dolāru.
Šie skaitļi parāda, ka ir daudz faktoru, kas jāņem vērā, pieņemot lēmumu, kura loterija jums ir vispiemērotākā. Galu galā tas viss ir azartspēle, un mana galva vienmēr saka, ka jāizvēlas liela summa. Sekojiet līdzi lielākajiem pieejamajiem džekpotiem un spēlējiet regulāri. Tas palielinās jūsu izredzes laimēt.