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List of online lotto ticket providers

Playing various lotteries from countries other than your own has become extremely popular in the past years. Every time the media report a huge lotto jackpot somewhere in the World, people want to jump on the bandwagon and play that lottery, hoping to get lucky and crack the jackpot.

Because of this, a number of websites have emerged lately, offering an online lottery ticket service. Basically, they all do the same thing, but there are huge differences between them. That means a comparison of the different companies is what you need to decide where you should be ordering your lottery ticket.


Some lottery winners gave back to the community

Some interesting and heartwarming stories about lottery winners giving back read more

Our comparison of the various companies is based on the following criteria:

  • Trustworthiness – do they really buy legitimate lotto tickets, or are they just pretending to do so by simply piggybacking on the real lottery?
  • Speed of delivery – you should get your lottery ticket at most 24-48 hours after purchase
  • Price per ticket – of course, you pay more than the ticket would cost in the country of the lottery, but does the lotto service overcharge you for getting the ticket and delivering it to you?
  • Secure handling of customer data and payment information – well, this one is a no-brainer I guess (but all services we tested are pretty good when it comes to this aspect)
  • Quality and speed of customer service uzvar salīdzinājumā

Pirmkārt, vienīgie uzņēmumi, kuriem mēs patiešām uzticamies, kad runa ir par īstu biļešu iegādi, ir mūsu pašu vietne un RedFoxLotto. Kāpēc? Tāpēc, ka abas bija vienīgās, kas 2016. gada janvārī, kad tika izspēlēts rekordlielais 1,5 miljardu ASV dolāru džekpots, patiešām pārtrauca pārdot loto biļetes, jo pieprasījums bija tik liels, ka tās nevarēja iegādāties pietiekami ātri.

Mūsu iecienītākā vietne bez mūsu pašu vietnes ir RedFoxLotto, jo cena, ko viņi prasa par biļeti, ir saprātīga, ņemot vērā pieskaitāmās izmaksas, kas saistītas ar aģenta nosūtīšanu uz lotto veikalu, biļešu pirkšanu, pēc tam katras biļetes skenēšanu un nosūtīšanu klientam pa e-pastu. Mēs nevaram ieteikt Wintrillions un Lottoland – vai nu viņu biļešu cena ir noteikti pārāk augsta, vai arī viņi neiepērk īstas biļetes.

Gan mūsu vietne, gan RedFoxLotto parasti piegādā biļeti 24 stundu laikā, un gadījumā, ja rodas problēmas, viņu klientu atbalsts ir viegli sasniedzams un spēj atrisināt jebkuru problēmu.

Dažādu tiešsaistes loto pakalpojumu salīdzinājums – pārskats

Name of website Link Price Powerball ticket Trust factor Delivery speed Support click here to visit 5,00 € 10/10 48 hrs excellent click here to visit 5,00 € 10/10 24 hrs excellent click here to visit 5,00 € 10/10 24-48 hrs excellent